The best part of yesterdays’ trip was that I had a friend, who solved my problem. He made a call and they admitted there was a problem with my no. and after 2 minutes, said it was solved and it just worked. While I was sitting at my friend’s office, I found somebody sitting behind me trying to get GPRS working. Being one of the first customers of BSNL’s GPRS I knew the solution, except for the fact the laptop to be configured was in Vista.
So here’s the important information that you need to know for configuring GPRS on laptop,desktop for BSNL post paid connection.
1. Install and ensure the modem driver for your mobile is installed.
(Once everything is done, you’ll find an additional COM port in ports of device manage and a mobile under modems)
2. Create a dial up connection entry,
Username : Mobilenumber (don’t put a 0 before the number)
Password : Mobilenumber (don’t put a 0 before the number)
Dialup Number: *99#
UPDATE: replace the above dialup number with *99***1#
In the properties of the new connection entry, ensure that the modem selected is the newly created modem.
(If you try to connect with these two steps, the connection will progress till authentication. After that you’ll get a PPP link error. The next step is important to prevent that)
3. Go to device manager select modems, and right click for options of the mobile modem. Click on Advanced and add this to the extra initialization settings.
UPDATE: replace the above withAT+CGDCONT=,”IP”,””
Click OK
4. That’s it, now connect using the new connection and you should be able to browse the net and do whatever.